What a busy few months we have had! We have been diving nearly every day and still we can't get enough of what Sodwana Bay and South African diving has to offer. I think we are really spoilt here but take a look at the new gallery and then tell me what you think!
Sightings gave included Juvenile Batfish, Juvenile Thorny Seahorses, Monster Potato Bass, Basket stars galore, Tiger Anenomes, Blood Snappers and just this week we spotted two huge Hammerheads and the first Raggie Tooth Shark for the season.
We have been doing some exploration dives and even found a brand new reef, and yes we named it Triton 69. Its the photos with all the fish and huge Octo Corals!
Spring day has passed and we can feel that summer is on its way. The humpback whales have been migrating past Sodwana Bay for a while now with the new calfs breaching and splashing alongside their mums.
The diving has been a little cold but still great with some awesome dives. Check out our new gallery and see whatyou have been missing.
Well the last few months scuba diving in Sodwana Bay have been fantastic!!!! There have been some great shark sightings including a nurse shark, bull sharks, white tips, silver tips and tigers. The gallery includes a few deep sites, some stunning reef shots and a hawkfish with a miniscule toby dwarfed, hovering above it.
The water is getting cooler and we have had our first humpback whale sightings as they migrate past Sodwana Bay with their calves, it always humbles us to see these magnificent mammals. So if you want to dive or just experience the beauty of Sodwana Bay and a little winter sunshine then make a plan and join us at Triton Dive Lodge.
Phew, I have been so busy leading dives in the past two months that I have barely had time to pick up my camera. This gallery combines March and April's best photos and includes an extremely friendly marble electric ray, a pair of ghost pipefish, Manta rays and geometric morays.
Sodwana Bay has shown us world class conditions and sightings, the calm seas and great viz giving us the opportunity to dive on the further reefs on a daily basis. We have been visiting the deeper reefs and I have included some of the images including a blood snapper and tiger anenomes.
We have manta rays on nearly every dive and are seeing pods of up to 9 mantas at a time!
Come and join Triton Dive Lodge for simply the best diving you can find on your doorstep!
In February Triton had the privilege of hosting and diving with top (award winning) South African photographer Geoff Spiby, his wife Lynne and Georgina Jones, an invertebrate expert and passionate Cape-Town based diver.
Again an awesome months diving with some amazing sightings.
The water is 27-28 degrees and the viz has been outstanding!! Sightings have included many many turtles, whales sharks, dolphins, nudis galore,,,, Every dive in Sodwana shows us something new and exciting. Check out the male cardinal fish which has a mouthfull of eggs that it incubates until the babies are ready to hatch and swim free!!! Amazing hey?
So what are you waiting for? Our DMs are waiting to show you why Sodwana Bay is in a class of its own and why Triton Dive Lodge rules!!!
Scuba Diving with Triton Dive Lodge in November was to say the least amazing!! Sightings at Sodwana Bay have ranged from seahorses on Roonies to Whale sharks a plenty. The cover shot is of a Tiger Anenome taken at the Angry Penguin Reef at 54 metres.
Potato Bass, delicate crinoids, durban dancers, dolphins and long nosed hawkfish are all in this gallery for you to take a peek at!
The water temp is warming up to a lovely 26 degrees, the viz is consistently fantastic and the days and nights are long and warm. Come and join us for some awesome scuba diving at Triton Dive Lodge.
Wow!!!! What a month of amazing sightings. Sodwana Bay has such an amazing diversity of marine life it still blows my mind !!
The cover shot is of a Djibouti Giant that we spotted at Gotham City on 5 Mile Reef, this massive nudi is not to be confused with the Spanish Dancer or Hexabranchus sanguineus which has six gills. Other sightings our scuba divers had were whalesharks, dolphins, frogfish, potato bass, giant leopard rays and ribbontail rays to name just a few.
Why not check it out yourself and come scuba diving with Triton Dive Lodge before you miss out!!!
Well here's our latest gallery for you.
We have seen some really big stuff scuba diving with Triton Dive Lodge in Sodwana Bay lately. The whalesharks are everywhere at the moment and we still are getting geat manta sightings. We have been making the most of our spare time and have been visiting the coral tree in Diepgat amongst other deeper sites. I have included an image of a pineapple fish taken at 70 metres!
The cover shot is of a huge whaleshark that is dwarfing the diver in the water - amazing!!
You may have been wondering if we have fallen off the face of the earth or if we have stopped diving as there has been not a lot happening on the gallery front?
I wanted to put a gallery up to show you what has been keeping us busy over the last few months.......
We have had a couple of deep diving trimix expeditions, the last one, throughout July gave us the opportunity of diving with the legendary fish nerd, Dr Richard Pyle (Pyle deep stop decompression tecniques) on a three week expedition in search of the coelecanths. It was filmed for a National Geographic documentary and thankfully Peter Timm knows his stuff and they were successfull in their search. Check out the gallery photos by Peter and Richard showing the landcsape at around 110 metres at Jesser Canyon in Sodwana Bay,,,,,