Scuba Galleries

Explore Sodwana Bay's magnificent ocean with us


Saturday, 26 June 2010 12:51

Triton Diving in Madagascar 2010

We have recently returned from our second trip to Nose Sakatia and just like the first trip it was a huge success with long days of sunshine in a tranquil atmosphere whilst being spoilt with the warmest hospitality of Sakatia Lodge.  As always the diving was excellent in the warm tropical water with many interesting things to be seen.

We had more great conditions and still unbeleivably warm water for this time of year.  This is my last gallery until we get back from our Madagascar trip.  I finally managed to dive with my new rig and have some of the macro photos in this gallery.  The cover is a Clownfish which looks like its in space!  Other sightings have been porcelein crabs, Potato Bass, Spotted Guitar Shark, tiny juvenile Paperfish and much more....
What can I say, April was amazing, excellent conditions, superb vis and warm water even over Easter weekend!!  Sightings have included Bat Fish, Marble Groupers and juvenile Boxfish.  The cover is of a Loggerhead Turtle taken by Arches on Two Mile Reef. Scuba diving in Sodwana Bay has never been better!

Sodwana just keeps showing us perfect conditions, March was unbelievably hot and the only way to cool down has been to dive the fantastic reefs of Sodwana.  We have had several Manta sightings on Bikini and Southern Two Mile Reef and a lot lot more...  The cover photo is of a Whip Goby.

February is normally pretty quiet but we were lucky and had plenty of diving opportunities. We enjoyed diving on two mile reef, plus sven, eight and nine mile reefs this month The beach was stunning and underwater the viz was still great with the water temp staying at a warm 27 degrees. The cover photo is of a Mantis Shrimp taken by Peter Timm - Awesome!!  February is a great month to scuba dive in Sodwana!
Wednesday, 24 February 2010 14:11

More January Sightings

With the water now reaching 27 degrees it seems that we now have a resident Manta Ray at Stringer Reef on Two Mile.  I have been lucky enough to witness this amazing animal twice in the last few weeks as it hovers over the cleaning stations.  On the same dive we had the friendliest Potato Bass in the world whichI think wanted to come home with us.  We were also lucky to see a Brindle Bass on Eight Mile Reef.
Wednesday, 24 February 2010 13:58

January Sightings

The first month of the year at Triton was a lot of fun and I think we dived every single day.  Peter found a fish that was smaller than his thumb nail and we enjoyed dives to some of the further reefs.  The title photo is a Raggy Scorpion Fish laying in an orange cup sponge.
Sunday, 17 January 2010 16:59

Diving into 2010

With still perfect diving conditions we went to dive Roonies on Two Mile Reef - What a dive!!  After not having seen the seahorse for nearly a year Adele found a yellow one at a depth of 33 metres.  Other sightings included a Longnose Hawkfish posing in the Black Coral Tree and an inquisitive Tiger Shark checking us out on our deco stop.  On Hopscotch we were lucky enough to find two Ribbon Eels in one hole.....
Monday, 11 January 2010 15:15

Christmas Diving with Triton

Highlights of this week were on eight mile reef, Ramsey's Ledge.  We were thrilled to see two huge lobsters, green turtles and large schools of Coachmen....
Wednesday, 16 December 2009 09:47

More December Sightings

The highlights of this weeks diving was a dive to Gotham City on Five Mile where we were lucky to have a school of twelve Devil Rays follow us up on our deco stops.  The cover photo was taken at Pinnacles on Two Mile Reef of a Yellow Spotted Scorpion Fish,  These fish live in the Club Horn Coral.
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Sardine Run SA Special